- Musculoskeletal Injuries
- Chronic Diseases

Matt Wratten
Exercise Physiologist
B App Sc HMS ESSM EAPMatt Wratten is an accredited exercise physiologist by Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA). In the last 15 years as an exercise physiologist on the Gold Coast, he has gained a wealth of experience managing musculoskeletal injuries and chronic diseases. Matthew works with local GPs, specialists, physiotherapists, and other health professionals, assisting patients in managing and improving their health, condition, and wellness.
Matt is registered to provide exercise physiology services for Medicare, the Department of Veteran Affairs, WorkCover QLD, and private health funds. Medicare-Enhanced Primary Care Plans referrals are accepted.
Matt is able to provide expert advice for:
- Managing chronic diseases such as Heart Disease, Obesity, and Type 2 Diabetes;
- Long-term management of musculoskeletal injuries;
- Sport-specific advice.
To make a booking, I can be contacted on 0438 550 360 or matt@healthsmartep.com.au. For more information, please visit www.healthsmartep.com.au